Compass Wealth Partners | Oshawa Financial Planner - Stephen Musial - Compass Wealth Partners


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The New Retirement-Ality

Do you ever find yourself worrying about retirement? Unsure about how much money you'll need? Trying to figure out how all the pieces fit? Proper retirement planning is no easy task as there are lots of moving parts. But with the help of our retirement experts, we can help you make sense of your situation and support you on your journey towards a successful retirement. We'll help you adopt a new "retirement-ality" about your future once you can see the clear path towards achieving your unique lifegoals. And help you have a better relationship with your retirement so that you can keep living the life you desire.

Wealth Protector

You've worked hard for your money. So protecting the wealth you have created is critical. At Compass Wealth Partners, our unique "Wealth Protector" process combines elements of investment growth with proper risk protection so that you can sleep better at night. We want you to have the confidence that your investments are well looked after so that you can focus on the things that matter most to you.

Wealth Protector

The Tax-Smart Money Plan

The Tax-Smart Money Plan

Tired of paying too much tax to the government? You're not alone. It's time to develop a "tax-smart" money plan to ensure you keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. For most Canadian households, income taxes are their single biggest annual expense. So how do you create a plan to reduce the income tax you pay each year? Let our tax planning team help you develop a "tax-smart" money plan today.

Service and Investments Your Local Bank Can't Offer

Why limit yourself to the constrained service approach and investment offerings found within the bank? We shop the world for top performing investment ideas and integrate the solutions with personalized service that fits your unique life goals and financial ambitions. Not only that, we completely align our interests with our clients; unlike banks or other institutions who also serve the interests of their shareholders.

Service and Investments

Video Slideshow

Our Services At a Glance
Our Approach
The Planning Process
Our Investment Philosophy